The main character of this book is a boy named Bradley Chalkers. He gets terrible grades in school, he is mean to his classmates, and he doesn’t have any friends. What a strange person to have as the main character, right? Actually, Bradley is a bit misunderstood. He is just scared that nobody will like him. He already has a bad reputation so even when he tries to be good, nobody believes him, not even the teacher! This is why he acts mean to other people – he is trying to reject other people before they can reject him. However, this school year, there is a new boy in class and a new school counselor. The new boy, Jeff, tries to be Bradley’s friend but Bradley pushes him away. The school counselor, Carla, on the other hand, does not let Bradley push her away no matter how hard he tries. She persistently works with Bradley, gains his trust, and Bradley soon realizes that he wants to show everyone he can change and be a better person. He also realizes how much hard work this can be! This is a story about how other people may see you, how you see yourself, and how you can change yourself for the better.
(Primary Division BLES)